From Our Ecosystem To Your Table
Pastured Beef, Pork. Lamb and Poultry
Building Soil, Enhancing Biodiversity, and Restoring Healthy Ecosystems
Our delicious, nutrient-dense meats delivered right to your door.
Hi, we are Pete and Susan Jones, your farmers. We wanted to raise better food – trusted and healthy food, raised ethically on pasture – for not only our own family, but for others who were seeking the same thing. Pete started dairy farming with his brothers in his twenties, and I worked in corporate America as a QA Manager.
Our farm is nestled in the hills of the Driftless area of Southwest Wisconsin, our mission is to restore our native grasslands and trees and produce the most vibrant foods from the most diverse ecosystems in Wisconsin.
Frustrated with modern restoration techniques that focus more on chemical warfare with so called “invasive species” rather than the establishment of a functional ecosystem, we realized that the only way to truly restore functioning ecosystems was to use regenerative farming and silva culture.
Pete and I wanted to become an integral part of the local network of food producers serving the community of small restaurants and retail grocers and families like yours.
Because we believe happy, healthy animals result in healthy, delicious meat, we are committed to operating our business with dignity – being forthright with our client partners, staying true to our values, and serving our community in absolutely the best way we can create a better ecosystem and food delivery system.